You will find photos on the occasion of realistic sex doll

 When I say “France” website, it means that the seller / importer is located in France and settled in France. As far as I know, I only have two. Dolls and generic TPE sex doll. All three have one. All other sales locations in France are located in China, and dolls from Chinese manufacturers are shipped directly to your home, even if the seller you are in has an address in PO, also directly from China. Recently, 【】 also released the brand.

You can ask any information he wants. If you want to obtain very accurate information on 【】 and be certified, I have 158 cm. I ordered it by mistake and I do n’t want to keep it. For now, as far as I know, only “Love Doll” and “Doll Story” are the only ones that will be sent to you after receiving your doll in your residence, and after everything is normal compared to your initial order Before sending it to your person.

Head And Body Internal Support Skeleton Male Sex Doll

Regarding 158 cm, there is only one model. There are 2 options for the chest, the conventional is: 76 cm, and the “large” is 90 cm. You will find photos and all information in the “realistic sex doll occasion”. Reference: 158 cm, 29 kg, brand new, natural skin. If you wish I can send you other photos on the MP, I will let you know the availability on that date. Contrary to what you think I am not nervous, no stress or anything else.


Mini Sex Doll -【oudoll】